Sunday, April 7, 2013

Aluminum and Sodium Hydroxide Lab

                                             Aluminum +Sodium Hydroxide lab experiment

      Al     +    Na(OH)2  -->    Al(OH)2    +     Na

Aluminum foil
Sodium hydroxide
Large beaker

1. Gather about a tablespoon of sodium hydroxide and make aqueous by adding 100 to 150 ml of water.
2. Get a small amount of aluminum foil and crunch into a ball
3. Watch reaction and record observations
        *Beaker will become fairly warm so be careful!

 Fizzy bubbles
 Gas was released
 Water turned grey and then continued to get darker gray
 Beaker became warmer

Potential difficulties / suggestions:
 Use small amounts of each chemical or the reaction will last a while.
  Ours lasted over 20 minutes because we put quite a bit of each chemical in.
  Use only about a teaspoon each.

   This specific reaction was a single replacement, meaning a stronger metal replaced a weaker metal. In this case, aluminum replaced sodium. Hydrogen gas was let off in the form of bubbles and the aqueous sodium hydroxide (sodium hydroxide dissolved in water) turned a gray color because the metals were trading places with one another.

Lab by : Samantha, Delaney, Evan, & Emily