Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Paper Mill Sludge Notes

Day 1 notes: The chemical pollutant caucusing the odor is called dimethyl sulfide. It is a waste product if the pulp from the paper. It has other hazardous chemicals like highly toxic sulfur compounds (TRS), and reduced sulfur compounds (VOCs) like methanol gas. (http://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/june2011/papermill,htm)
Plan: Explore a way to make use of the waste.
Ideas: Kitty litter, animal litter, farming soil mix, fire starter, bricks, foam.

Kitty litter : Find how absorbent it is by running an absorbency lab I create. How absorbent is is? Add baking soda to the sludge, it will naturalize the scent and it is in regular kitty littler to naturalize scent as well.

Foam: what is the waste like? Would the texture work for that? Is it similar to house insulation?

Can you make a different paper product out of the sludge? What paper product?

Attack Plan:
Day 1: Background information and speak with Jeff.
Day 2: Observe the material, test in lab.
Day 3: Do further test if needed. Work on write up.
Day 4: Finish testing if needed. Finish write up!

 Day 2 notes:
Procedure Idea:
        Gather sludge and mix with equal parts of water.
        Set up a filter paper station to drain excess water out.
        Measure how much water is left
        Measure everything

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